- United States Presidents
- United States Governors
- US Senators and Congressmen
- US Cabinet Ministers
- US Military Commanders
- Foreign Presidents
- Foreign Dignitaries
- Movie and Music Stars
- American Airlines
- Bausch and Lomb Corp
- Calgon Corp.
- Hilton Hotels
- Merrill Lynch
- Sheraton Hotels
- IBM Corp.
- Pepsi Cola
- Xerox Corp.
- McDonalds Corp.
- Americas Cup Syndication’s
- NFL League Presidents
- Pontiac Motor Sport
Stan has performed Magic in over 60 major cities in twelve different countries across the globe; some of them on numerous occasions.
- North America—over 30 Major cities including:
Chicago, Las Vegas, New York, Miami, Portland (Oregon), San Francisco, Seattle, Washington, Mexico City, Anchorage (Alaska), and Honolulu (Hawaii).
- Canada—4 cities including: Montreal and Toronto
- South Africa—5 cities including: Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban
- Austria—Vienna
- England—London, Brighton and Manchester
- France—Paris
- Germany—Dusseldorf and Munich
- Greece—Athens
- Italy—Florence, Milan and Brescia
- Japan—Tokyo
- Russia—St. Petersburg
- Taiwan—Kaohsiuing.
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